Cloudy day | Vintage, Paint and more...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cloudy day

Hi there......
                Time to grab a nice, delicious cup of coffee....

                               Come sit with me and chat a while.  This is the time of the afternoon when
I have my quiet time - right before Miss A gets home from school......Ahhhhh......

I catch up on the blogs, I read, down load my pics and peruse them or just chill with my beloved cup
                                                    of coffee......

It's also that time of the day I catch up on my texts from the grand kids - I text each one of them every morning to tell them "good morning, have a nice day, I miss and love you"  Each evening the answers come in while I have my coffee.  Today older Miss S is sick with the flu, little Miss S is going to a school dance and a sleepover and Miss K loves and misses us.  This is my way of being in touch with each of them on a daily basis. 

                                   It's an ugly, chilly, cloudy, rainy day here in the Carolina's
                                            I am having to wear sweats and a hoodie to keep warm.

                                                   but, I am remembering this time last year.......

            When we were under 6" of ice and snow and it was freezing cold....
                                  and the kids had to dig out the drive cause Papa can't shovel snow....

                       And how we had to chip away ice and snow just to get to work
                                         Not this year though........


                    This year we're enjoying flowers - even though these are dandelions....

                        Blooming in February.......

                                           (Papa, Mr T, and Ms Z....)

            Walks in the park with gentle breezes and beautiful, bright sunshine
                                                                                                          jacket weather.......

                                              AND WE ARE LOVING IT......


                                                                       Come back when you can and we'll chat some more.....
                                                                                              Lovin' my life in Carolina

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