Giant Pinwheel Flowers | Vintage, Paint and more...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Giant Pinwheel Flowers

Vintage, Paint and more... pinwheel flowers made from scrapbook paper

Today I have a cute little project that you can use for your Valentine decor.  It's quick, easy and quite budget friendly. 

Vintage, Paint and more... giant pinwheel flowers made from scrapbook paper and scrap lumber

These are quite simple to make. I really don't do anything that is difficult.

Materials you will need:

  • 12x12 scrapbook paper - 1 sheet for each
  • 6x6 piece of contrasting paper for the center flowers
  • 4x4 square for the center pinwheel
  • Glitter glue - I used Stickles
  • A scrap of a 2x4 cut in the shape of a flower pot the size you want
  • A scrap of 1x4 to make the top edge of the pot
  • A 1/2" diameter dowel rod in your preferred length
  • Hot glue gun
  • Black paint - I used chalkboard paint
  • Scrap piece of scrapbook paper or fabric to cover edge of pot

First make the large pinwheels.
I have written the instructions for making pinwheels hereFollow these except you are using the entire 12x12 sheet of paper. Next you will want to make a flower exactly like the ones in this post and some small pinwheels following the instructions there also. Then I simply made a large glitter glue dot in the center of each small pinwheel with hot glitter glue.

Now, I will try to explain the next part
but my son did this part for me as I am not
a power tool Mama.

Vintage, Paint and more... wooden base for giant pinwheel flowers

This is the front view. It measures 41/2 " across the top tapering to 2 1/4 " at the bottom and is 3 1/4" tall.
You can adjust yours to whatever size you prefer.

Vintage, Paint and more... wooden base for pinwheel flowers

This is the side view.
As you can see he cut a notch in the 1x 4 he used to fit on top of the base snugly. The top 1x4 measures 4 1/2" across the top tapering to 3 1/4" at the base. He then covered the top piece with a piece of contrasting scrapbook paper and the bottom with black chalkboard paint. Then he glued the two pieces together.

Vintage, Paint and more... hole drilled in wooden base for a dowel rod

He then drilled a 1/2" hole in the top of the 2x4 behind the 1x4 to hold the dowel rod.

Vintage, Paint and more... dowel rod placement in wooden base of pinwheel flower

The dowel rod was painted black also and then
fitted into the hole. Then the finished pinwheels were glued to the tops of the dowel rods.

Vintage, Paint and more... giant pinwheel flowers made from scrapbook paper and wooden scraps

He made two different lengths of dowel "stems" so the flowers would be varied in height on the table.

Aren't they adorable.

Vintage, Paint and more... giant pinwheel flowers used in Valentine decor

We made a cute little shelf for Valentine day in Miss A's room. We also used her red and white check picture frame with a small heart, another frame with little angels, her angel figurine and one of a fairy on swing.  

Vintage, Paint and more... small pinwheel flower bouquet made with scrapbook paper, glittered mustaches, tin vase and burlap

You can also make small flower bouquets as we did with the pinwheels and flower cutouts found in the instructions. I just used different size squares to make different size
pinwheels and then just glued them all together to make a variety of very cute little flowers. For some of the flowers we made some glittered mustaches to add to them.
Each flower is glued onto a bamboo skewer you can buy in most craft and variety stores.
I also glued a few glittered mustaches to the sticks to put in the arrangement. This arrangement is in a Dollar Store bucket I painted white. Then embellished it with raffia, a crochet flower and a button. The filler is just shredded white paper.

Vintage, Paint and more... pinwheel flower made from scrapbook paper, glitter and wood scraps

So, do you think there are some
gigantic pinwheel flowers in your future?
They can definitely put a smile on your face.
And they make the perfect decor for Valentine vignettes. 

Have a great day and until next time get out there and create something you love.....


I will be linking to the parties that are listed on the Where I Party page.  Please make it a point to go by and check out all the great inspiration and projects found at each one. 

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