French Graphic Window | Vintage, Paint and more...


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

French Graphic Window

Before I get into today's post I need to address an issue we just discovered.  Remember signing up for Vintage, Paint and more's emails so you wouldn't miss any of the projects and tutorials?  Well, we just discovered that they were being blocked due to a technical issue.  But with the help of an expert in this field we were able to get that issue resolved and now you will be receiving those emails just as you signed up for them.  Thank you so much for your patience in this manner and if you have any questions just ask in the comments below.  I will get back to you.

Well, we have turned the clocks forward, the sun has decided to start shining here and the temps are supposed to be in the high 60's to low 70's all week.  So I must say I think Spring has finally arrived at my house.  I am so thrilled - it has been a long dreary winter for sure.  So to celebrate Spring today I am going to share a pretty little window I did for my Spring mantel which I will be sharing soon.

A French label transfered on a painted window

We had this little window picture in the girls room quite some years ago and when they out grew it we put it in storage.  There it stayed till I found it the other day.  I have been looking for a window for a project I have wanted to do but just couldn't find one I thought was the right size.  So when I found this again I was ecstatic knowing it was going to work for what I wanted to do.

An old window picture transfered into a French graphic window with Sharpies

I painted it all white - even over the picture part but for some reason I forgot to take a picture of it before I went on to the next step but you can see how it looks with the all white coverage here.  I then chose a graphic I had gotten at The Graphics Fairy.  She carries all sorts of images that can be used for your projects.  You really should go browse around for a while. 

The image of a French graphic taped into place on a painted window

 I cut the graphic apart to fit in the panes of the window the way I thought they would look best.  Then I taped them in place.

Placement of a French graphic on a painted window

I used an old piece of black graphite paper to trace all the parts of the image onto the window.  If you have never used black graphite there is a trick to it.  The black graphite is like the old carbon paper.  When new it leaves a very dark impression and can leave smudges from your hands on the piece. So when tracing on  white you want to make sure you use a piece that has been used several times before so the  tracing is lighter and there is less chance of smudging the piece. As you can see this is just a small piece that I have had for years.  Just place it under your taped image and trace all the parts of the image you want to transfer.

Using black graphic paper to trace a French graphic onto a painted window

As you can see this is just a small piece that I have had for years.  Just place it under your taped image and trace all the parts of the image you want to transfer. It will look like this when you are done. I then traced over all the areas with a black fine point Sharpie and used a medium point to fill in some of the areas of the letters.  Very simple but does take a bit of time and concentration.

Transferred image of a French graphic after tracing with black graphite paper onto a painted window

This is the finished product.  A French window sign.  When it was finished I didn't like all the white so I dry brushed a bit of  Valspar's Gravity on "frame" of the window.
It turned out just as I had hoped - I love it.

A painted window with a DIY transferred French graphic image done with a Sharpie

This is a very easy method of image transfer that I have used for years and can be done on most any kind of project. Is it something you think you would love to try?  Would love to hear about it in the comments below.

Be sure and sign up for my emails so you don't miss any of the great projects I will be sharing.

Until next time create something you love.

I will be linking up to the parties listed on the Where I Party page.  Be sure and go by and visit some and check out all the great projects and inspiration found there.


  1. It's fun to be able to repurpose something we already have, love the window, it's beautiful!

  2. Cathy,
    I love how your window turned out. Looks beautiful!

  3. I am always stymied when it comes to graphic transfer methods. Not sure why, just have some sort of mental block about it. A few years ago I even went out and bought some carbon paper for just this purpose. As I recall I had to go to a number of office stores before I could find one that even carried it anymore! I can't remember how I used it but I know I wasn't happy with the result. Now that I see how you've used it I'll have to give the method another try! Love the window, and anything French is Ok by me!

  4. Very pretty window! You are lucky you saved it. I had a few old windows that I loved years ago and when I tired of them, my husband tossed them! Ah! Can you believe it? They were long, red and rectangular. When I think about them now, I could cry...oh well, I keep peeking in the neighborhood trash. You never know what you might find! ;)

  5. Love how this turned out! Pinning!
    Thank you for sharing with VMG206 Brag About It this week! We're so happy to have you there!

  6. WOW, this is gorgeous...I am stumbling for others to see! :)

  7. This really is beautiful. I love how your window turned out! I have been looking at these French graphics, and wanting to do something with one, but I just wasn't sure. Your tutorial is so easy to follow, I think I will try it! Thank you!

  8. This is something that I would love to try. I have never done image transfer before. I love how the project turned out. Thanks for linking up at #HomeMattersParty

  9. Super cute Cathy. I love the graphic image you used! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. I love how this turned out, Cathy! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,
